Tuesday 7 February 2012

Drawing Fruit and Vegetables in colour final drawings

Exercise: Using hatching to create tone

I carried on using coloured pencils for this drawing as I really enjoyed using them when practicing hatching. I'm pleased with this drawing, I had a real breakthrough with hatching during this exercise and I think I've finally got the hang of it. Unfortunately though I am not pleased with my composition, I sketched out various compositions, and this one looked like the better option, however on a large scale it looks rubbish, there is far too much uninteresting negative space surrounding the objects. I think I concentrated too much on ensuring the objects fit on the page.

Exercise: Using markers or dip pens

I used a range of cheap felt tip pens for this exercise. This was my second attempt at this exercise, I first tried loosing hatching the objects, but this looked terrible. The dark areas came out too dark, and it all just looked like a giant mess. So I researched a few artists that use felt tip pens for their work, I then tried using the felt tip pens in a tighter way - making sure I was concentrating on the details of the objects, this turned out better - but I still didn't like the outcome of this piece. I have just invested in some better pens so will practice further using them, I think marker pens have the potential to look great! I also ruined this by adding in some colour in the background of the tablecloth. Doh!

Exercise: Drawing using oil pastel

I'm not very pleased with this, I think I captured the light and colours of the objects well - unfortunately the photo does not show the colouring accurately. This picture does look better in real life. I promise. Again I think my composition and background ruin the drawing. I will admit, I seem to lose interest after I have drawn my objects, and lose enthusiasm when I have to draw something less interesting such as a chopping board or tablecloth. But next time I will attack the background with as much enthusiasm because I have learnt my lesson!! I have ruined two potentially good drawings by rushing and getting the backgrounds wrong.

Check and log

Your composition should occupy most of the paper's surface. How much negative space do you have left?
This project has made me realise that I really struggle with composition, I usually end up with too much or too little space. this is definitely something I need to research and work on, as I feel I have ruined quite a few potentially good drawings by not planning my composition enough. My finished pieces are filled with blank, negative space, I also have a problem with including background which I have highlighted above.

What have you learned from drawing the details of fruit and vegetables?
I have learnt a lot from this project - I had a great breakthrough with hatching and learnt how to add colour using coloured pencils properly. I feel like I understand light and shadow more after completing these drawings, as fruit and vegetables have variable textures, it was a real challenge representing casting light realistically. As cheesy as it sounds, I learnt to keep trying! I had real trouble with felt tips and didn't like the techniques I was using, so I researched and tried a different approach and improved my drawing.

What did you find most challenging about this part of the course?
I found this part of the course the most challenging yet, but also the rewarding. I dedicated a lot of time to each exercise, really thinking about what I was doing, and found that at the end of each one I felt pleased and that I had achieved something. I think I have come quite far and improved a lot compared to the beginning of the course. My biggest challenge was getting to grips with the materials, the pen and oil pastel drawing was a real challenge as they are not materials I am confident using. I am pleased with certain aspects of each of the drawings, and think I have captured the objects well, the lighting and texture too - but it is just unfortunate that I choose awful compositions.