Tuesday 3 April 2012

Exercise: Grabbing the Chance

I found this exercise difficult as Ralph likes to get as close to us as possible, and as soon as I made eye contact with him he wanted to sit on me. These sketches were from two sittings, I am quite pleased with them as I managed to get his shape right - he is an English Bull Terrier so he is quite awkward to draw! He also sits in odd positions.

I then drew my brothers dog, I am quite pleased with how this drawing turned out, I like the effect charcoal gives and how I was able to move quickly without her moving too much. It was difficult getting the details like the eyes and nose right, but I managed to capture her face well.

 A3 Charcoal
Next I drew some birds from photographs. I wanted to experiment with using different lines to create textures, and thought that feathers were the best thing to draw for this. I'm really pleased with how they turned out, and it was interesting looking closely at the different textures of birds feathers, and also the direction and density of them.


George Stubbs

I found George Stubbs' anatomical drawings fascinating. I looked at Stubbs' work before completing the above exercise, so when I was drawing the animals I considered their muscle and bone structures. Particularly the drawings of Ralph as he is very muscular, and the structure of his muscles show through well, so this made it easier to get the shape of him right.

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