Tuesday 17 January 2012

Research Point 1 - Aurel Schmidt

I can't remember how I stumbled across Aurel Schmidt's work - but as soon as I saw it I was wowed. The beautiful intricate lines and lifelike details are incredible. I must admit, I was a little naive when I checked out her work - it took me a little while to notice that some of her pieces were made up of drawings of cigarette butts and maggots. But still - they are beautiful nevertheless.

Aurel Schmidt's work is unbelievably detailed, some of her drawings are so realistic I feel as though I could reach inside and hold the objects in my hands. Most of her work has dark, seedy undertones, but she also includes a contrast of beautiful flowers and wildlife.

Aurel Schmidt mostly uses coloured pencils and acrylic paint in her work, I think together these mediums work really well in creating detail and depth. 


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