Tuesday 24 January 2012

Research point - Contrasting Artists

Renata Liwska - A children's book illustrator.

I first came across Liwska's work on book by its cover, her sketchbook drawings are so beautifully detailed and have wonderful precise lines.
Hundreds of delicate lines make up these lovely, soft, dreamy drawings. I would love to have the skill and patience to be able to use lines in such a way that forms intricate drawings like these. All of her sketches have great depth and tone by just using line - which is something I really struggle with. 

Henri Matisse 

Next I investigated the work of Matisse, his line drawings, although simple are still striking and full of character.


The lack of tone and shading in a lot of Matisse's work is made up, I think, by the compositions of his drawings. His subjects fill the page well and create interesting and dynamic drawings. The expressive marks he uses creates a sense of movement which makes your eyes dance around the image.

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