Wednesday 25 January 2012

Still life group using line & tone

Still life group using line

I'm really pleased with how this drawing turned out - although I think I may have concentrated on adding tone a bit too much. But still, I only used lines, and a fine liner - NO PENCIL!! And I made no mistakes! Usually I am a nervous wreck when drawing with pen, without the ability to erase a mistake, but this time I drew with confidence, and I'm really pleased with the outcome. Knowing that what I was putting on the paper was permanent made me look a lot closer at the shapes I was making. I'm really pleased with the varying tone I created using line and dots.
I first did a few smaller sketches in my sketchbook to warm up a little, this was great help as my orange came out too dark on the inside, and my kiwi lacked tone, so on my larger drawing I was able to get things right.

Still life group using tone

I enjoyed this exercise, although I was skeptical when I was doing it, as it didnt quite look right - until I had finished of course. Unfortunately my composition lets the drawing down I think, and I could've chosen a more interesting background. I like how the onion turned out - this was really fun to draw, I followed the curves of the onion and I think I captured the shape well. 

Check & log
What aspects of each drawing have been successful, and what did you have problems with?
I managed to create a good sense of tone and depth in my drawings, they are also accurate and in proportion. I had problems with the second drawing - particularly the composition, and didn't add enough tone to the pepper on the left hand side.
Did you manage to get a sense of depth in your drawings? What elements of the drawings and still life  groupings helped to create that sense?
I created a sense of depth in my drawings by adding tonal value, and ensuring the objects are the correct size in proportion to one another.
What difficulties were created by being restricted to line or tone?
I think it is hard to make drawings look realistic when drawing in line, I tried to incorporate a variety of marks and lines to add tone and shape to my objects which worked well. I found the line drawing a little daunting as I was using a fine liner and couldn't erase any mistakes, but I think this actually enhanced my drawing and made it better.

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